Attendee Entitlements and Cancellation Policy
If there any issues arise when you signed up for a RAPS Switzerland Chapter Educational or Networking Event, we will address it case-by-case and in good faith as based on the below principles.
Your Attendee Fee must have been received by RAPS Switzerland Chapter no later than at the day of the Event. If not, you may be refused access to the Event.
Your paid registration entitles you to :
Access to the Event and post-Event Networking Apéro.
Any refreshments as specified in the Event Flyer.
A copy of any presentations made (provided the speakers made them available for this purpose).
A Certificate of Attendance.
Our cancellation policy is as follows :
You may cancel free of charge up to 48 hours before the beginning of the Event. Upon your request, any payments already made to the Chapter will be reimbursed to you.
If you cancel less than 48 hours before the beginning of the Event or do not show up, we will charge you in full.
If you cannot attend yourself, you may at any time send a substitute from the same organization in your place.
At any time, RAPS Switzerland Chapter may modify an Event program (provided the overall scope of the program is not significantly affected).
At any time, RAPS Switzerland Chapter may cancel an Event. Chapter’s sole obligations are (1) to inform you thereof at least 24 hours before the beginning of the Event, and (2) to reimburse any attendee fees already paid upon receipt by the Chapter.
If you need to cancel please inform: ary.saaman@raps-switzerland.ch